Tribulus (Tribulus terrestris)
Tribulus gives rise to testosterone production by stimulating the pituitary gland to release luteinizing hormone (LH). This hormone, in turn, increases testosterone levels and enhances not only libido in men but also increases libido in women.
In men with high sperm morbidity (non-viable sperm) and low mobility, tribulus has also been observed to increase sperm count.
The active constituents in tribulus (furostanol glycosides) are found in highest concentrations in the plants’ leaves.
A standardized form of tribulus, TLSE, is obtained from the leaves and stems of tribulus and contains mostly furostanol glycosides. TLSE has shown to increase sperm count (but not in patients with chronic prostatitis), increase libido (including Klinefelter’s and Noonan’s syndrome) and was well tolerated by the study group.
Treatment of 51 infertile males with 750 mg/day TLSE for 3 months significantly increased ejaculate volume, spermatozoa concentration, motility, and velocity. Spermatozoa morphology normalized and ejaculate liquefaction time decreased. (Mediherb September 2006)
Damiana (Turnera Aphrodisiaca and Turnera diffusa)
The leaf of this herb has been used in Mexico as a sexual invigorated and male libido enhancer; since the times of the early Mayan people, this herb has once again be employed for low sex drive.
In western herbalism, damiana has also been prescribed to treat a low libido in both men and women where there is sexual dysfunction of nervous origin.
Tongkat Ali (Eurycoma longifolia)
The principal way the herb works is to increase testosterone in the blood. This herb is traditionally prescribed in Malaysia as an aphrodisiac, an herbal treatment for impotence or sexual dysfunction and as a sexual enhancer.
Tongkat ali seems not only to assist in maintaining erections but also increases low sex drive or sexual desire.
Asian Ginseng(Panax ginseng)
It is in Japan that this herb is prescribed to treat lack of sexual desire, and prescribed as a circulatory stimulant. Korean ginseng is also a key herb in traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) and is prescribed to calm nerves, treat weariness, anxiety, insomnia and general weakness.
Korean ginseng is contraindicated for those with high blood pressure and people using warfarin or phenelzine.
This herb is also best avoided during times of acute infection. In the west, it is prescribed for exhaustion, depression and low libido.
Horny Goat Weed (Epimedium grandiflora)
This herb has been used for centuries to improve low sex drive and performance. In recent times, horny goat weed has been found to support the neurotransmitters in the brain to stimulate sexual arousal.
In addition to increasing sexual arousal, this herb is prescribed where there is a greater need for improved circulation, and to treat exhaustion with little risk of side effects.
Horny goat weed is contraindicated if you are taking heart or blood pressure medications, or if you have insulin-dependent diabetes (Type 1).
Maca Root
Hailing from the high mountains of Peru, Chile, Colombia and Bolivia, there are 130 different species of maca worldwide. It is traditionally used to enhance energy, and has also been shown to increase male sexual performance.
Additionally, studies have found that maca can be beneficial for those with prostate and cognitive disorders, and can increase fertility and provide relief of menopausal symptoms in women.
Maca root Jorge Alonso, president of the Latin American Society of Phytomedicine, says, “the experiences of humans with maca have proven positive. For instance, it is very useful for diabetics who tend to have decreased sexual performance. If we compare with Viagra, the results are not as spectacular or fast. But the plant shows a prolonged effect that goes on for many days after the treatment has ended.”
Note: Maca root can be found in powder, capsule, or tincture drop form, but the tinctures have been shown to be the most potent.
Note: If you have hypertension, take extreme caution not to exceed the recommended dosage of maca root.
While herbal Viagra alternatives such as those listed above may take a little bit of extra time to take on full force, your health and long-term vitality will thank you for your patience.
Remember to consult a naturopath if you have any prior health conditions, to make sure you choose the solution
Muira Puama
An ancient herb hailing from the Brazilian Amazon rainforest, muira puama has been nicknamed ‘potency wood,’ signifying its use as an aphrodisiac and sexual stimulant. The bark and roots of the muira puama plant have been shown to increase sexual desire and improve symptoms of erectile dysfunction, with no known side effects.
In 1994, Dr. Jacques Waynberg, a medical sexologist and author, conducted a study at the Institute of Sexology in Paris to test the effects of muira puama on male sexual vitality and potency. During the two week study, Waynberg and his team gave a daily dose of muira puama extract (1 to 1.5 grams) to 262 men who complained of lacking sexual desire or the inability to have or maintain an erection. After two weeks, 62 percent rated the treatment as ‘dynamic,’ and 52 percent rated it as ‘beneficial.
Yohimbe is the name of an evergreen tree found in parts of central and western Africa. The bark of yohimbe contains a chemical called yohimbine, which is used to make medicine. Yohimbine hydrochloride (Aphrodyne, Yocon) is a form of yohimbine
Yohimbe is taken by mouth arouse sexual excitement, for erectile dysfunction , sexual problems caused by medications for depression called selective-serotonin reuptake inhibitors , and general sexual problems in both men and women. It is also used for athletic performance, weight loss, exhaustion, chest pain, high blood pressure, low blood pressure that occurs when standing up, diabetic nerve pain, and for depression along with certain other medications.